what to do with rv battery when not in use?

what to do with rv battery when not in use?

When your RV battery is not going to be in use for an extended period, there are some recommended steps to help preserve its lifespan and ensure it will be ready for your next trip:

1. Fully charge the battery before storage. A fully charged lead-acid battery will keep better than one that is partially discharged.

2. Remove the battery from the RV. This prevents parasitic loads from slowly draining it over time when it's not being recharged.

3. Clean the battery terminals and case. Remove any corrosion buildup on the terminals and wipe down the battery case.

4. Store the battery in a cool, dry place. Avoid extreme hot or cold temperatures, as well as moisture exposure.

5. Place it on a wooden or plastic surface. This insulates it and prevents potential short circuits.

6. Consider a battery tender/maintainer. Hooking the battery up to a smart charger will automatically provide just enough charge to counteract self-discharge.

7. Alternatively, periodically recharge the battery. Every 4-6 weeks, recharge it to prevent sulfation buildup on the plates.

8. Check water levels (for flooded lead-acid). Top off cells with distilled water if needed before charging.

Following these simple storage steps prevents excessive self-discharge, sulfation, and degradation so your RV battery stays healthy until your next camping trip.

Post time: Mar-21-2024